On Etymology

3 min readJan 26, 2021

It is well known — by those whom follow me, my decantation on etimology, as a source of where to get a True meaning and understanding of words and conecepts.

Where does this come from? Because, obviusly I haven’t came alone to any realizations by my own, otherwise I’d be a genius and wouldn’t need to express myself through word — well, the first source of where this has been done, under my knowledge is by, Miguel de Unamuno, in works like “La agonía del cristianismo” (from 1925), which translates as “The Agony of Cristianism”, but here, agony isn’t understood as “an extreme physical or mental suffering”, but rather a fight, etymologically, from greek ἀγωνία, (fight, combat).

A way to understand this furthermore is whi a futher example and a deepening withing this whole theory of the “returning to the Mytho”, as we exposed in previous posts. The word in question is “subjective”:

Subjective derives from the latin word subjectum, which means “[an object] placed below”. The common interpretation of “subjective” is “one’s opinion”, and that would be rather correct, but as we are doomed by knowledge, we will go further (in some way). Have in mind the diagram of “On Poetics” and also remember the Deleuze’s quote from The Anti-Oedipus. We have different ways to view the world; as Deleuze calls it the «higher», which we will call “ascendent”, and the «lower», which we will call “descendent”. Imagine the diagram as a river, whose water is philosphy; in the left side we have one shore, represented as a continuous line, crowned with a dot, just as a “¡”; this side of the diagram represents the mytho — the right side is represented as a dotted line, which also represents the opinions we have. Each dot is a point of view, every “-ism” and all the science. The dotted line finishes with a dot bellow it, just as a “!”, but dotted. So the “¡” is what we call ascendent, likely similar to the situation when in the platonic allegory of the cavern, the person looks up to the sun — the sun could represent also the dot in the “¡”, is what represent, if not the subjective as the right shore, it has to represent — by force, the “objective”, in some way or another. Then this “[an object] placed below” si perfectly represented in the sign of the dotted line, becasuse, as the moon (reffering to the final dot in the “!”) is found bellow the sun (here the sun wouldn’t mean the reason as in Plato’s allegory, but rather the opposite), just as the “real” — whatever that is — is above the subjective, our conceptions of reality, our points of view.

This just a short excursus on why etymology, again — as a point of view which I consider rather closer to mytho, is a nice and useful way on the creation of concepts and the knowing (Saber) of words and kosmos.

¡Thanks to @antihornyneph to inspire this little post!


